2014 2013 2012 2011


The book Tejedores de imágenes. Propuestas metodológicas de investigación y gestión del patrimonio fotográfico audiovisual was granted the Antonio García Cubas 2014 Award in the category “School Book”. This book resulted from the joint collaboration in the Social Research Audiovisual Laboratory of the Institute, and its authors were: Lourdes Roca, Felipe Morales, Carlos Hernández, and Andrew Green.

PhD Alberto del Castillo won a second prize in the contest of the Section Recent History and Memory of LASA 2014, for his book Ensayo sobre el movimiento estudiantil de 1968. La fotografía y la construcción de un imaginario.

PhD Simone Lucatello was appointed member of the eligible Pool for international mobility of researchers and innovators 2013 of COLCIENCIAS. Lucatello will receive a funding to take part in events and research stays as support for international mobility.

The project by PhD Carlos Domínguez, “Life stories around processes of forced displacement caused by development projects in Mexico” was approved. This project was presented at CONACYT call 2013 Scientific Development Projects to face national problems, and was approved in the category of junior researchers.

The Research Program on Migration and Health (PIMSA), of University of California’s Public Health School approved PhD Leticia Calderón’s project “The Ulysses Syndrome among Economic and Political Migrants in Mexico” in a joint collaboration with PhD Ernesto Castañeda, from the University of Texas at the “Call for research proposals and postgraduate dissertations on migration and health between Mexico and the United States.”

PhD Johanna von Grafenstein received the Medal Gonzalo Aguirre Beltrán, a distinction granted by the government of the state of Veracruz and the Veracruz Institute for Culture to the outstanding contributions to Afro-Mexican studies. Von Grafenstein was recognized with this award for her trajectory in the research of the Caribbean as a region, and her insight on economical American thought in the 17th and 18th centuries.

PhD Carmen Collado received the Sturgis Leavitt Award, annually granted by SECOLAS (Southeastern Council of Latin American Studies) in the Best Paper category. The winning work was “Entrepreneurs and Their Businesses During the Mexican Revolution,” which was published in Business History Review 86 (4), a journal published by Harvard University (Business School).

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